Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Trifold Brochure (a)

Designed a trifold brochure for a new product called Cascading Skin Complex. I wanted to give the brochure a soft, yet modern feel. Due to this, I chose to use a lot of blue. I directed the photo shoot for this as well. The photo shoot was a blast. Worked hand in hand with the makeup artist, the model's and the photographer to get exactly what I wanted. I think the brochure turned out very nice.

Trifold Brochure (b)

This is the flip side of the "Cascading Skin Complex" brochure.

Indie Movie Title

Designed the title to "Beneath the Invisible Sun." An independent film that I wrote, produced, directed, edited, and scored. Because of the edit (I cleaned it up way too much for a "TV" contest), it lost a lot of its rawness and street credibility...what can I say, I'm a sell out. Maybe one day I'll re-edit the original, the "Director's Cut" if you will.

Indie Movie Title

Designed the title to a film that was entered into a short film festival. A fun little project about some guy and his vampire girlfriend. The dude's eyes on the right are creepy, aren't they?

ProThin Kit

Created a kit for the ProThin Weight Management System that included a guidebook, a recipe book, a regimen booklet, postcards, and a sales tool cd. I also designed the dieline for the actual folder that housed the kit. I felt that this project required a custom folder that would lend itself to the overall look and feel of ProThin.

ProThin Packaging

Designed the packaging for the ProThin Weight Management System. I wanted to add a natural, inviting, fresh and hip look to the packaging. To achieve this, I chose green and orange colors. The almost pastel green clearly represents nature. With the orange I wanted to create a sense of youth and happiness. The swoosh across the middle of the packaging represents the shape that a real woman would have...because, not all of us guys like "stick women."

Convention Logo

Created the logo for a corporate convention.

Calavera Cinema Logo

Created this logo for an independent film company.